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HESD Asbestos Notice
The Hanford Elementary School District under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), is required to develop and implement a Management Plan for dealing with the presence of asbestos containing materials in our schools.
Hanford Elementary has partnered with Big Smiles to offer in-school dental care. Simply complete the permission form or go to www.myschooldentist.com to sign up your child.
Class lists will be posted outside the front office on August 9th after 4:30pm.
The first day of school is Tuesday, August 13th beginning at 8:00am. Parents are welcome to walk their students to their classrooms on the first day and to their class lines. We will hold a Kinder and SDC Meet and Greet on August 12th from 3-4pm so our littlest Patriots have an opportunity to meet their teachers and see their new classrooms prior to the first day.
Learn from Home Resources are posted on our HESD website.